Thursday, July 4, 2013

My carbon footprint

For our first class assignment we've been told to use this website that estimates our carbon footprint and answer the following questions about our results. Try not to judge me too hard on how quickly I may be killing our planet!

What is your total estimated greenhouse gas emission per year?

37 tons of CO2 eq/ year

What is your individual % breakdown for the four sections (Home Energy, Driving & Flying, Food & Diet and Recycling and Waste)?

Home Energy: 64,7 %
Driving & Flying: 17.6%
Recycling & Waste: 1.9%
Food & Diet: 15.8%

How do your total and % breakdown compare to the average US person?

Average US person percentages
Home Energy: 36.8%
Driving & Flying: 43.5%
Recycling & Waste: 4.4%
Food & Diet: 15.3%

How does your total compare to the world average?

The world average per person is 5.5 which is about 1/7 of what I am. To be frank that's awful and I'm a little ashamed of myself. I'd like to think I'm and eco-friendly person but from that result I guess not!

How do you think you could decrease your carbon emissions for each of these categories?

Well for starters I could take shorter showers, turn off lights more, and keep the temperature of my apartment a little more eco-friendly. I did carpool for my co-op this psst spring and do use public transportation whenever possible. As a driver though I could drive the speed limit which allows for my car to use the gasoline more efficiently! Then I could try to eat less meat and more vegetables. But finally I could make more of an effort to recycle. Sometime I get lazy and throw my can in the trash but if I just put a slight effort in and recycled everything I possibly could, it could help make a difference on what mark I leave on this planet.

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